Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Got Chalk?

I have a confession to make.  I am a total dork when it comes to organizing stuff.  I get tremendous satisfaction from opening a drawer and seeing everything in its designated place exactly where it should be.  An added bonus is if I can also make the space pretty.  You know…like drawers lined with pretty paper…cute labels....a pretty box for items to be stored in or perhaps a basket.  

If it were up to me, I would have every cabinet, every closet, every space completely organized and decorated.  The only thing holding me back from wallpapering the insides of my closets and going to town on several of our spaces is that we only plan to stay in this house for another couple of years.   

So, in the meantime, as I force myself to rein it in, I try to find quick and easy ways to organize without investing major time and energy.

For my latest project, I was inspired by Pinterest and decided to spruce up our pantry a bit. 

The space is very small.  Our pantry is basically a large cabinet.  To create some organization, I popped in some small baskets and bins and proceeded to create cute labels.

Recently, I discovered chalkboard labels.  Oh my.  These things are awesome!  Every time I open the door, these cute little labels make me happy.  

See?  I told you.  Total dork.

And the best part is that my husband tolerates this obsession of mine.  He even places items in the proper place.  I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm nuts.

What about you?  What have you been organizing lately?

Monday, March 26, 2012

Grateful Monday

Five things I'm grateful for today:

  • Springtime sunshine and warm days.
  • A restful a relaxing visit with my parents last week.
  • My sweet son who has started giggling at me.  Is there anything better than a baby laughing?
  • My awesome advisor who is helping me get through this PhD program.
  • Flowers popping up everywhere.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Grateful Monday

Five things I'm grateful for today:

1) Spring break!
2) A sweet baby boy who has been sleeping through the night.
3) All of the gorgeous flowering trees that are in bloom right now.
4) Lazy weekends.
5)  Open windows.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Fighting the Good Fight

I heard some sad news this week that the valedictorian at the high school where I used to teach was murdered.  My heart goes out to both the staff and the students at this school.

After 7 years of working in this impoverished, urban school district, I am still shocked when I hear this kind of news.  I shouldn't be.  It seems that every year multiple students in our district are the victims of violent crime.  In the years that I was in the classroom, I had 5 students who were killed and 4 others who were shot, but luckily, survived.  

I'll never forget the evening I was watching the news as I was grading papers and I saw the picture of one of my favorite students flash across the screen.  He had been shot multiple times in the back seat of a car.  His little sister was also in the car but survived because her older brother had pushed her on the floor and laid on top of her.  This young man was not an easy student, but, somehow, I won him over.  He loved biology, and every day, he was the first student in my room for our 7th hour class.  I adored this kid.  He drove me crazy, but his enthusiasm for science was contagious.  I remember giving his folder of papers to his mother at his funeral so she could see all of his good grades. Two years later, his little sister came into my class proving to be another challenge.  A week into school I pulled her aside.  I think she thought was I going to yell at her and try to check her on her behavior.  Instead, I told her how much I cared for her much he loved science...and how much I missed him after he was gone.  I could never possibly understand what this girl had gone through, but I hoped I could at least show her that I cared.  After that conversation, she became one of my best students, and I looked forward to seeing her each and every day.

I have numerous stories like this.  I had students who came to school after being held at gunpoint the night before.  I had students who were raped and beaten.  I had students who were homeless.  I knew several students who were in gangs.  As a teacher, I often struggled while trying to navigate the world my students lived in.  There was no way I could possibly relate to living in the midst of that kind of violence.  I also struggled to figure out how to make them care about biology....because really, let's face it, if you don't even have a home, caring about biology seems pretty pointless.

I learned pretty quickly though that it wasn't what I taught that mattered.  What really mattered was that my students knew that I cared about them.  And if I was lucky, I could provide 50 minutes in their day when they felt valued and safe.  That became my mission.  I wanted them to know that I loved them...and perhaps, my class would be a bright spot in their day.  

It wasn't easy.  Being a teacher is never easy....much less working in a community where violence prevails.  

My friends and family feared for my safety, but the truth is, I never really felt unsafe.  Whatever violence was around me, it wasn't about me.  Rather than being fearful, I chose to focus on what was in my control....which was my classroom.  I tried to set high expectations for learning and to provide a safe, healthy, fun environment for my students. 

If nothing else, my experience taught me that we never know what others are going through.  There were days when a student would come in and he or she would be angry and insubordinate.  Rather than getting angry myself, I tried to find out what was going on...I would pull the student aside and would simply ask if everything was okay.  The things that came out of those conversations were a major reality check for me.  I often discovered that the student was dealing with some tragic incident.  I like to think that they came to school on those days not because they wanted to, but because it provided a place for them to feel safe and secure and to escape the pain that they were feeling.

I had an Assistant Principal who used to say that we must "keep fighting the good fight".  There are many times, even now, where that mantra gets me through my day.  

Tonight, as I think of my colleagues and their students, I'm reminded of why I became a teacher.  I used to tell my students that education was their key to a better life.  I would preach to them that they must learn to advocate for themselves, and you can only be an advocate if you are informed. 

The simple truth is that I'm a teacher because I love kids...and beyond that, I believe that education is the greatest gift we can give ourselves and give one another.  

So tonight, I want to thank all of the educators out there who are passionate and truly care for their students...who spend their days and their nights working relentlessly to make the world a better place.

Thank you for continuing to fight the good fight.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Grateful Monday

Five things I'm grateful for today:

  • A healthy little boy.  Liam was sick on Friday.  It's the worst feeling...not being able to make him feel better.  I'm so thankful that aside from the occasional cold, he's been exceptionally healthy so far.
  • Warm, sunny days.  Global warming really freaks me out...but this mild winter and early spring has been a nice treat.
  • Spring break.  In just five days, I'll have a week off.  I. cannot. wait.
  • Students who continue to impress me.  Saturday afternoon, I went to see some of our students give a presentation at Washington University Medical School.  They were wonderful...and made me so proud!
  • Daylight savings time.  Physically, I hate this time change, but the pay off of longer evenings is worth it.  I have so much more energy when we have longer days.

Friday, March 9, 2012


These beauties are currently sitting on my windowsill.  How's that for a little taste of spring?

I just love fresh flowers.  

I also love my husband who brought these home to me earlier this week.

Here's to a wonderful weekend ahead!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Life List Part Two

Recently on my birthday, I decided to write a Life List of one hundred things I would like to do with the time I have left.  Here is the second half of that list.  

As I read through this list, I find myself inspired.  In fact, I've already chosen five things to check off this list, this year.

Life List Part Two:
  1. Visit Morocco
  2. Read the Outlander series.  
  3. Have dreadlocks
  4. Stay in the Stanley Hotel where Stephen King wrote The Shining
  5. Teach my son to love books and music
  6. Spend the summer at a cabin on a lake
  7. Start playing the piano again
  8. Learn to write a grant
  9. Make jam
  10. Visit Oregon
  11. Go on a meditation retreat
  12. Be a foster parent
  13. Own a VW bus
  14. Go to a blogging conference
  15. Visit the northeast during autumn
  16. Learn to make my grandmother’s chicken and noodles recipe (Mom, I’m going to need your help!)
  17. Take a hot air balloon ride
  18. Live in an RV for a year with my husband and travel around the U.S.
  19. Revisit making jewelry as a hobby
  20. Travel to Bali
  21. Reread the Anne of Green Gables and Little House on the Prairie series
  22. Spend a week out at sea
  23. Visit the Great Wall
  24. Have my own crafting studio
  25. Learn to can the vegetables that I grow in my garden
  26. Make a pie from scratch…successfully!
  27. Have an Etsy shop
  28. Spend a long weekend at a spa
  29. Write a children’s book
  30. Visit New Orleans and the Louisiana swamps
  31. Take Liam to a music festival
  32. Dive a big shipwreck
  33. Learn to hula hoop around my legs
  34. Go on a 7 day backpacking trip
  35. Try acupuncture
  36. Ride in a helicopter
  37. Bury a time capsule
  38. Hold someone’s hand as they give birth
  39. Have a portrait wall in my home
  40. Visit British Columbia
  41. Go on a girls’ trip with my closest friends
  42. Tap a tree and make maple syrup
  43. Learn embroidery
  44. Make my son a Halloween costume
  45. Rock climb
  46. See a bear in the wild
  47. Visit all 50 states
  48. Visit Prince Edward island
  49. Have a hammock in my backyard
  50. Float the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon

    Monday, March 5, 2012

    Grateful Monday

    Five things I'm grateful for today:

    • My best friend...we reconnected over lunch yesterday.  I love how great I feel after one of our good, long chats.
    • My husband.  Last week he had to travel for work for a few days.  It made me really appreciate him.  I love that he's such a hands-on dad.
    • My ability to run.  I ran 6 miles yesterday.  It's been a long time since I ran that far.  It felt good.  Really good.
    • Saturday afternoon naps with my husband and son.
    • My assistant principal...she keeps me grounded and makes me laugh when work is stressing me out.   I can't imagine doing this job without her!