Thursday, January 10, 2013


So here it is January 10th and I'm still trying to adjust to the idea of 2013.  I feel like 2012 ended in a whirlwind, and I think I'm still recovering!

For the past 10 days, I've been reflecting on the past year....writing in my journal, trying to figure out how to invest my energy as this new year begins.  I'm not necessarily big on New Year's resolutions, but I do like to begin the year with some goals and intentions.

Here is my list for 2013, in no particular order:
  • Use fewer paper towels.  I'm quite ashamed to say that I have a paper towel addiction.   It's not a very "green" habit.  If I spill something, I automatically reach for a paper towel.  I really do care about our environment and don't want to be wasteful so I feel that I need to change this. I've recently purchased new dish cloths and cloth napkins and have started using those instead of paper towels.  So far so good.
  • Stop forgetting my reusable bags when I go to the store.  I have several reusable bags, but sometimes I don't remember them.  Every time I walk out of a store with a plastic bag, I feel terrible!  So....I've loaded my trunk up with them and every time I make a shopping list, I'm adding a note to myself to remember the bags.
  • Write in my journal more often.  Recently, I've started journaling again.  I find that on the days I journal, I feel good.  Really good.  It's like therapy and meditation wrapped up in one.  I'm not going to try to do it every day. I know I need to be realistic, but I'm aiming for at least several times a week.
  • Take time to read books beyond school work.  As a graduate student, this one is tough.  Most of my extra time is spent reading journal articles and scholarly books, but  I miss reading for pleasure.  So, even if it's just 5 or 10 minutes before bed, I'm going to try to indulge my love of reading a little more.
  • Continue my exercise commitment.  I have exercised on a regular basis for most of my adult life.  After having Liam, however, I found it difficult to find the time.  This past summer I made it a priority again and I saw some real results from my efforts.  I always feel better when I exercise so I plan to keep at it.  I think of it as taking time to nurture myself.
  • Be present as a mother.  It can be difficult in this day and age to be truly present as a parent, and I work, very deliberately, at being present while I'm with Liam.  I want to continue making this a priority.
  • Only buy clothing and items for my home that I love.  I made this same goal a few years ago and it served me very well.  I need to refocus on this a bit.  Every time I go to make a clothing purchase, I ask myself if I love the item.  If I don't love it, then it goes back on the rack.  This helps keep me from spending money on items just because they are on sale and also helps cut down on excess.
  • Submit a dissertation proposal, begin my research and submit an article or two.  Graduate school has been going well and I want to continue the momentum that began in 2012.
  • Play more and worry less, live in the present, be grateful, and choose happiness.  Last year, my word for the year was positivity.  I tried to spend the year choosing to be happy, to think positive, to be thankful and to believe in the best. I want to continue living with these in focus because I have found that they really do make a difference in my daily life and my sense of contentment.  
For 2013, I have chosen the word intention to guide me.  


I want to mother my son and nurture my marriage with intention.  I want to use my time intentionally. I want to work hard towards the intention of finishing my PhD.  

I don't want to just show up but rather, I want to make things happen.  I want to be fully present each and every day, living my life with intention.  

I have high hopes for 2013.  It's exciting to imagine the wonderful things this year may bring.

Today I'm linking up with Edie over at Life{in}Grace as she talks about using our time more purposefully.  Please visit her beautiful blog and check out her link up!


  1. I think these are wonderful intentions! Like the new background/colors, too. XOXO

  2. These are all great goals for the year. I chose intention as my word for the year.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I think intention is a great word to guide us this year!

  3. Hi Michele- visiting from Edie's. Nice to meet you!
    Hah! How many times I've walked from the car into the store, and turned right back around to get my reusable bags from the vehicle because I too want to make a regular practice of it. Plus, they're so cheerful- at least mine are. I hope yours are too!
    You have rock solid and ambitious intentions - all the best in daily pursuing them.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! So far so good on the bags...I haven't forgotten them once. Thanks for your words of encouragement!
