Monday, January 21, 2013

Grateful Monday

To start my week, here are five things I'm grateful for today:
  • This weekend we met up with friends at their lake house.  It was a lovely visit, and oh so relaxing!  I think I read more magazines in one weekend than I have in the past six months. 
  • My neighbor who watches our dog when we are out of town.  It's so convenient and easy.  
  • That I get to stay home with Liam three days a week.  I truly treasure those days and feel so blessed to be with him.
  • My girlfriends from college have all settled on a weekend in April for a girls' trip.  It has been a very long time since we have all been together.
  • My semester starts this week....which means that I'm about to begin my very last class where I will write my dissertation proposal.  I am so ready!
Here's a little glimpse of our lake weekend.  Liam thoroughly enjoyed himself.

Have a wonderful week!



  1. I'm grateful for an amazing SIL and caring friend :)

    1. I, too, am grateful for such a wonderful SIL and friend. I think I got pretty lucky! xoxo
