Wednesday, January 23, 2013


The new year started off slowly but things are starting to pick up.  Here is what we've been up to lately...

I'm in love with Downton Abbey.  We rented seasons 1 and 2 over our winter break and finished just in time to catch the start of season 3.  Now, my Sunday nights are reserved for this delightful show.  I'm a huge fan of period shows.  I'm a sucker for the costumes.  

Liam and I watch this video multiple times a day.  We love it, and he does this cute thing where he drums his hands in the air and makes the sign for "stronger".  I can't get enough of it.

My sister-in-law gave me this candle for Christmas.  It has this amazing sweet, woody smell. I burn it every evening.

I starting shredding again last week.  After months of running, I wanted to give my knees a break and mix things up a bit.  When I did the 30 Day Shred in June, I lost 9.5 inches in 30 days! This definitely works, but you have to do it every day.  But its only 27 minutes which makes it completely doable.  We are going to Florida for a week next month so I'm using that as motivation!

I have also been juicing in an attempt to keep us healthy this winter season.  I usually throw an apple, an orange, half a cucumber, two cups of spinach, some ginger, and flax seed into a blender.  Sometimes I add a banana.  This mixture will last me a couple of days, giving two large glasses full.  I think it's delicious, and the best part is that Liam likes it too.  Now, if only I could get my husband on board.....

This is Liam's favorite book and has been for awhile.  We read this book every night before bedtime.  It's a beautiful book with a beautiful message.  

I just finished reading this book.  It's got some powerful messages about the food choices that we make.  It's not a diet book but more of an exploration into the emotional and spiritual side of eating.  I wouldn't say it was transformational, but I have marked several passages that resonate with me.  One of my favorite quotes reads, "Spiritual hunger can never be solved on the physical level."

I usually drink chamomile tea in the evenings, but I recently discovered this.  It's a nice alternative.  It tastes good, and I love that it's loose leaf.

Liam and I attended story time at our library for the first time last week.  Liam loved it, and I enjoyed chatting with the other moms.  This is definitely going to become a regular part of our week.  I'm finding that as he gets older, we need to get out of the house more and this is an excellent morning outing.

This week I'm back to school, which means that we are getting back into some semblance of a routine.  As much as I love having a break, I also love having a little structure in my life!

What about you?  What have you been up to lately?

1 comment:

  1. I've capitulated and begun watching Downton Abbey on my laptop! (We don't have a TV.) I've just begun so I'll look forward to catching up.
