Friday, December 21, 2012

'Tis the Season

I adore the holiday season.  Every year, I get excited as Thanksgiving approaches.  The holiday season always reminds me of my childhood and the anticipation of decorations, parties, sweets, gifts, and precious time spent with my family.  

Here are some of my holiday favorites:

Family gatherings.  Each and every year I am reminded of just how blessed I am.  And now that I have a child, I consider these gatherings even more precious.  Family is truly what it's all about.

Liam and his cousins last weekend in their Christmas jammies

Food.  I love to eat.  And this time of year gives me a happy excuse to indulge!  I'm also obsessed with all things peppermint.  I made this peppermint fudge last weekend for our family celebration and it was a huge hit. 

Source: via Michelle on Pinterest

Twinkling lights, Christmas trees, garland, all of the holiday decor.  I have always enjoyed decorating for Christmas.  I love nothing more than sitting in a darkened room next to a lit Christmas tree.  By the way, my tree looks nothing like this.  Ours is only decorated on the upper half because of a certain curious one year-old!


Christmas books and music.  As a little girl, I loved reading Christmas books and singing carols.  These days, I'm enjoying reading those same stories to Liam.  And every afternoon we listen to one of the holiday stations on Pandora.

My Balsam and Cedar Yankee candle.  I have been burning this everyday since October.  The smell reminds me of the burning pine in the fireplace of the cabin where we stayed in Colorado.  It's a perfect holiday smell!

Hot chocolate.  Even though it hasn't been that cold out, I still love a good cup of hot chocolate.  Now, if I only had these cute reindeer mugs to go with it....


Watching my son experience Christmas.  He's still too little to really understand, but he is already learning to enjoy the holiday fun.  I can't wait to watch his excitement grow each year as he experiences pure joy.  Children give the holidays a whole new meaning.

Learning to open presents

Grandma lets him lick the fudge bowl.  Yummy!

May your season be filled with peace, love, and joy.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Since Friday I have been trying to write a post about the tragedy in Newtown, and I have struggled to find the right words in the midst of my emotions.

Perhaps it's because I'm a mother....or perhaps it's because I'm a former teacher.  Nonetheless, this event has had a profound impact on me.  I feel a sense of sorrow that I haven't felt in a long time.

My heart breaks for the parents of the children who were victims.  I cannot even fathom their pain.  Their holiday season will forever be clouded by this terrible tragedy. 

My heart also breaks for the children and teachers who will never again feel safe in their classrooms.

Having taught in a violent neighborhood for several years, I know first-hand the importance of safety in schools.  What many don't realize is that safety is a necessity for children to learn.  If children feel unsafe, their brains are stuck in "fight or flight' mode making it impossible for them to concentrate or retain information.  Thus, safety is essential, and as far I'm concerned, non-negotiable.  Every school I worked in had metal detectors and security guards.  It's certainly not fool proof.  If someone really wanted to get in, he or she could, but at least its a start, a first line of defense and perhaps enough to deter someone. 

I also believe that we need to improve our systems for supporting mental health in this country.  I have known far too many troubled youth who simply aren't getting the help that they so desperately need.  It's time that we face this uncomfortable reality.

I have stopped trying to make sense of this horrific event.  I have stopped watching the news and instead, I'm trying to maintain my sense of hope....hope that the world we live in is still beautiful and good.  When we turn on the news, we hear of all of the bad things happening.  I often have to remind myself that wonderful, kind things are happening too.  Sometimes I wish there were a news channel that only presented stories of hope and kindness....offering us a daily reminder that the world truly isn't a terrible place.  

Unfortunately, each of these tragedies works to perpetuate a culture of fear.  Instead, I want to perpetuate a culture of hope.  I choose to believe that the world is still good and wonderful and that there are places where kindness prevails.  

And maybe, just maybe, my small acts of kindness can make a difference, and I believe that collectively, we have the power to perpetuate a culture of hope and goodness.  So today, as I continue to pray for the families in Newtown, I am also making a promise to be kinder and more hopeful each and every day.  Even if its just a smile, or holding a door for a stranger, I want to play my part in truly making this world a better, kinder place.  

I do this because my child, our children, deserve to know what hopefulness and kindness feels like. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Grateful Monday

Here are five things that I'm grateful for today:

  • Every minute that I get to spend with my son.  I am so blessed to get to be his mother.
  • My family.  We gathered for our holiday celebration over the weekend.  Whenever we get together I am reminded how lucky I am to be part of a family that has so much love.
  • My semester is finally over.  It started off pretty slow but quickly turned hectic and overwhelming.  It is so nice to have a break.
  • My husband's four day weekends.  I am realizing just how precious these long weekends are and so grateful that his job allows for it.  It gives us some bonus family time!
  • My health and my family's health.  Being healthy is truly something that we often take for granted.  

Monday, December 10, 2012

Grateful Monday

Here are five things I'm grateful for today:

  • On Sunday I spent time with my uncle who is currently in a local hospital awaiting a liver transplant.  We talked about bluegrass music and the beauty of southern, Illinois.  Please send him your prayers.  
  • I had a wonderful, quick trip to Boston last week for my fellowship.  I met some amazing and very talented people.  I got to present my work and came away feeling more privileged than ever to have been selected as part of this super smart group of people!
  • I finally submitted a final draft of a paper that I'm hoping to present at a conference in March.
  • I got to spend Saturday afternoon at the spa getting an Aveda facial.  Pure bliss.  I came away feeling renewed and refreshed!
  • Today I am writing my last, final paper of the semester.  Tomorrow I have my last class.  I can't wait to have a little break!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Grateful Monday

Today I am thankful for the following:

  • I just defended my comprehensive exams.  And I passed!  This is big.  And I'm so grateful that it is over!
Only one more week, two final papers, a trip to Boston and a presentation before this semester ends.....