Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Home Sweet Home

This is a post I've been wanting to write for awhile because decorating my home is one of my favorite things to do.

I definitely thrive on living in a pretty, organized space.  Though I've always loved decorating and dreamed of having a pretty home to live in, it wasn't until I started teaching that my home really became my sanctuary.  

At the time I lived in a beautiful apartment in a historic part of the city. My days teaching in an inner city high school were pretty intense.  Coming home to a quiet, tidy, pretty space helped me to relax.  My home quickly became my oasis.

After I met Andrew, I moved into his house, a two bedroom bungalow that is over 100 years-old.  Since then, I've made lots of changes and definitely transformed his bachelor pad!  

We are definitely ready to leave the city and head for the woods as soon as we can, but until I finish this PhD, it just doesn't make sense to move.  Perhaps one of the biggest challenges for me is that there are so many things I would like to change about this home.  Most are small projects like paint and fixtures, but it's just not a good investment of our time or resources.  Instead, we are now beginning  a long to-do list of things that need to be done in order to have the house in selling condition in a year or two.

I must say, I love the character of older homes, but I look forward to having a newer space in the future.  One of the things I long for the most is storage space.  Old homes are definitely short on closets! 

As I often catch myself dreaming about a larger, newer home, I remind myself to be grateful for this space.  This home has treated us well.  We have made so many wonderful memories here, and there are so many days I'm grateful for the small size as I try to keep tabs on a toddler!

My decorating style has evolved significantly over the past few years.  In fact, our next home will probably look quite different from this one based on the decorating lessons that I've learned while living here.  

More and more, I'm finding myself drawn to rustic, natural elements.  I'm also love color.  However, I've learned that color is best in art and accessories.  I made the mistake in this house of painting all of the rooms bright, vivid colors.  When I moved in with Andrew, the dining room was royal blue and we painted the living room a deep red!  Yikes.  

It was fun for awhile, but I got sick of those colors fast.  I've learned that its best to keep the walls neutral and bring in color through other elements.  A couple of years ago we got rid of those brightly colored walls and painted the living room and dining room a more neutral, taupe shade.  It really helped to brighten things up and made the space feel so much bigger. I really don't have decorating rules.  My philosophy is to fill your home with things that you love.  Many of our items that are on display have sentimental value, and when we travel we like to buy pieces that remind us of our adventures. 

We'll start the tour with our living and dining room, which is where we spend most of our time.

This is the view from our dining room into our living room.  We have tall ceilings and windows, which is very nice and makes the place feel a lot bigger than it is.  I bought this dark green sofa and love seat 11 years ago!  Again, I learned a lesson that its best to stick to neutral colors when it comes to long-term furniture.  I've been tied to this color of green for a long time, but I like earthy, dark colors so it works.  I also switch out the throw pillows seasonally to mix things up a bit.  We used to have a nice coffee table but exchanged it for a more kid friendly ottoman last year.

When I first moved in with Andrew, we bought this painting together.  It was our first art purchase.  I love this painting and expect that it will be in our home for the rest of our lives.  Notice the tree theme.....

This is the view from the front door into the dining room.  Our dining room is multifunctional and includes our desk and home computer.  I really like that these two rooms are joined together creating a larger, open space. 

I have a love/hate relationship with this bookcase.  Andrew picked it up second hand many years ago when a nearby business was closing.  This thing is solid wood and sturdy as can be.  I love it as a place to display photographs and decorative items.  However, it is in dire need of some work.  And I hate those gold accents.  I did add some wrapping paper to the back of the shelves and changed the hardware to dress it up a bit, but I still think it's ugly.  

Once we move into a new home, I'll give this baby a good paint job and it will be good as new.  In the meantime, it works.  And yes, that is a record player and a stereo.  My husband is old school when it comes to his music!

This is our little office space in the dining room.  Its not the most ideal place for the computer, but we lost our home office once Liam was born so this is it.  We have a piece of plexiglass on top of the desk to protect the surface.  Last year I added some wrapping paper under it to dress it up a bit.  I like how it adds a little pop of color.

This antique sewing machine is one of my most cherished possessions.  It belonged to my grandma.  I remember sitting with her as she sewed clothes for my dolls.  It's a constant reminder of her and how special she was to me.

Andrew and I bought this piece of artistic glass last year for our anniversary when we were at a music festival in southern, Illinois.  We love trees so when we saw this, we both agreed that we had to have it!  Notice the sweet little heart at the bottom of the trunk.

This stained glass, which Andrew's parents gave him several years ago, hangs above our front door.  It was already here when I moved in, and I love it.  I couldn't think of a better piece of art to represent my arborist, banjo playing husband. 

It's pieces like this that represent what our home is really about.  It's a reflection of us, our family, our personalities, our love for one another, and this magical life's journey that we share.  

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Memorial Day Canoe Trip

We are headed out tomorrow for our annual canoe trip.  I'm really looking forward to a weekend away with my husband.  And I'm super excited for some time in the woods.  This trip is one of our annual traditions and this year my sister-in-law and brother-in-law are joining us.  I can't wait for them to see the beautiful Eleven Point river!  Fun times ahead....

May your holiday weekend be joyful and safe!


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

3rd Anniversary

Three years ago today, Andrew and I got married.

I always feel really nostalgic on our anniversary.  Our wedding day was magical, truly perfect in every way.  Our wedding was at a winery in southern, Illinois.  The weather was beautiful.  Our ceremony was so heartfelt and personal.  The reception was a blast.  The music was brilliant, and best of all, we were surrounded by our loved ones who came together to help us celebrate.

It's the kind of wedding that every girl dreams of.  

I'll never forget the moment when I first saw Andrew as I walked down the aisle.  The emotion and love that I saw in his face filled my heart.  I'll never forget the way he looked at me.

We've packed a lot into these three years together.  We've become parents.  Andrew started and completed his Master's degree, and I've made some major progress towards my PhD.  At times it has been difficult as we've made so many big transitions, but we really do work well together as a team.  

With each passing year we seem to get better and stronger, and know more clearly what each other needs.  I am so very grateful for having this man in my life.  He is everything I have ever wanted in a partner and so much more.

Happy Anniversary Andrew!  I love you to the moon and back, and I look forward to many more years of wonderful.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Grateful Monday

Well here we are back to Monday again!  How did that happen?!

To start my week here are five things I'm grateful for:

  • That the storm that came through last night didn't do any more damage than it did.  We have a few, very large limbs down but that's it.  The wind was fierce, and when it came through at 4:00 a.m. it jolted me awake.
  • A lovely evening on Friday spent with my sister-in-law and her husband and a couple of friends.  We made our own sushi, which was surprisingly delicious!  It was nice to catch up and relax a bit.
  • Looking forward to our annual Memorial Day canoe trip this weekend.  I'm so excited!
  • Also looking forward to celebrating my anniversary this week!
  • Sunday I spent the day planting flowers and fresh herbs.  I love flowers.  Sitting on the deck is even more enjoyable now!  I'm particularly fond of my hydrangea...which is one of my favorites.  Now, I just need to get those flowers to turn blue!

Have a wonderful week!


Friday, May 17, 2013

Girls' Weekend

Last month I wrote about a girls' weekend with some of my dearest friends. 

A couple of weeks ago, I traveled to Nashville, TN for a girls' weekend with another group of close friends, my roommates from college.  These ladies are also like my sisters.   

I can hardly believe that its been fourteen years since we graduated from the University of Notre Dame.  It seems like it was just yesterday.  Here we are then (looking our finest!).  I have very vivid memories of that was such a rite of passage.  The world was so exciting and none of knew where we would end up, but we swore that we would stay together and sure enough, we've made that happen.  

Do you ever feel like time plays tricks on you?  I really don't feel like that was fourteen years ago.  And when we get together, it never ceases to amaze me how quickly we pick up where we left if we haven't missed any time.  We know one another so very well. 

Here we are in Nashville, fourteen years later.  Still together.  Still making each other laugh like it's our job! We met up because the last of us is about to get married this August, and we gathered to celebrate her in all of her bachelorette glory!  

We have kept in touch via regular group emails and though we are scattered about the country, we manage to see one another at least every year or two.  

These ladies are amazing.  When I first got to Notre Dame, I struggled a bit because I wasn't sure where I fit in.  I felt a little lost, like I was different from most.  But then I found a place with these ladies, and they quickly became my home.  We all lived in the same girls' dorm and were roommates in some form or another throughout our four years.  I have so many wonderful memories of our time living together.  

We are all very different but that's part of the beauty of the group.  Despite our differences, we have always loved one another unconditionally and supported each other through all of our endeavors.  We have seen each other through many ups and downs, numerous relationships, break-ups, marriages, pregnancies, children, graduate school, and career moves. I'll never forget when I was going through a particularly tough time, and this group of women surprised me by gathering for a weekend in Chicago.  I'm not sure if they know it, but for me, that weekend was a turning point where I finally began to find myself again.  

This is one inspiring group of women.  They are smart and driven and extremely successful. 
Simply put, I adore them.  And I'm a better woman for having them in my life.

Friendships like these are such a precious gift, and I'm so very grateful.  My hope is that we continue to maintain our connection, growing old together, sharing in all of our joys and sorrows.  I like to imagine us as old women, gathered around, drinking cocktails and laughing until our bellies hurt! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


It's not Monday, but I'm still grateful for many things this week!

  • Yesterday was a BIG day.  I had to defend my dissertation proposal.  I did it, and I passed!  I wasn't too terribly nervous because of the feedback I had gotten from my adviser, but it's really nice to have it officially done!  I really feel like I can finally take a deep breath.  Now, the *only* thing I have left to do is to write my dissertation!  
  • We had a wonderful Mother's day weekend.  Saturday, we spent the day at a local art fair.  Sunday, my in-laws came to visit for the day and we had a bbq.  It was fun and quite relaxing!
  • I also got the chance to get out and hear some music on Saturday night.  I swear, a little live music does really good things for my soul!
  • Warm, sunny days.  
  • I'm loving the current stage that Liam is in.  He's pretty high maintenance, but it's oh so fun.  He's talking, and now that we can get outside more, he's truly exploring his world.  Right now, he's pretty fascinated with bugs and helicopters.  He's all boy!  On Saturday morning, he put on his dad's socks and belt and then threw on his frog backpack....the result is just ridiculous!

Have a wonderful week!


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's day to all of the beautiful, wonderful mothers in my life.

To my own mother I offer this:

I want you to know 
how truly special
you are....

Today is a special day that 
celebrates the incredible kind,
loving, and supportive women
in this world.  Women who put
others' priorities ahead of their
own.  Women who give with an
open heart expecting nothing
in return. Women who always
know the right words to say
and whose hugs can cure almost
any ailment.  Women exactly
like you.

You are all the wonderful things
a woman should be. You deserve
to be celebrated today and every
day for all you do, for all you
are, and for all you mean to the
people around you.  I feel lucky
to know you and thankful that 
you are part of my life.
                               -  Elle Mastro

Thank you mom for all that you have given me.  I love you to the moon and back!

And thank you to this little guy, who made me a mother.  My love for him never ceases to amaze me.


Monday, May 6, 2013

Grateful Monday

To start my week, here are five things I'm grateful for:

  • Andrew submitted his thesis last night.  He. is. done!  I am so very happy for him.  I know how awesome it feels, and it's such a huge accomplishment.  He makes me very proud.
  • Tomorrow night is my last graduate class ever!  I am so excited to have my evenings free again.  In the future, if I'm in a class, it's because I'm teaching it!  Fun, artsy classes will be an allowable exception, of course.
  • I was also hired to teach an undergraduate course this summer.  I'm pretty excited to teach again!
  • I am truly looking forward to some quality family time now that the graduate school craziness has settled down around here.  Life is good!
  • On Saturday, I took Liam to the Tons of Transportation event in the city where Andrew works.  He got to see a real, live helicopter.  He can't stop talking about it.  So very cute.

Have a wonderful week!


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Busy busy

We have had a very busy couple of weeks!  Here is what we've been up to around here:

  • I recently traveled to Washington DC for a quick trip to visit the National Science Foundation.  It was a whirlwind trip, but I came away with such invaluable knowledge about the grant writing process.  I may be writing a grant proposal with my PhD adviser this summer, so this experience could be rather helpful.

  • I then traveled to Nashville, TN to meet up with my roommates from college for a girls' weekend.  I'll be writing more on that soon!  Here's a sneak peek:

  • I submitted my dissertation proposal to my committee on Tuesday.  I have been living and breathing this proposal for the past six weeks so it feels really good to have it done.  I honestly can't believe I met the deadline.  It seemed so crazy when I first started, but somehow, I managed it.  It ended up being 85 pages long and included 97 references.  The craziest part?  I read most of those 97 references during the last six weeks while writing.  I'm pretty sure my brain is maxed out for awhile.  I have to defend it on May 13th.  Then, hopefully, I'll be free to start collecting my data.  In any case, it feels good to step away from the reading and writing for a bit!

  • During this busy time, Andrew has taken on the bulk of the parenting duties.  I'm so grateful for his support.  I must say, I was really starting to miss Liam while I was gone.  It reminds me, once again, how blessed I am to be able to stay home with him part-time.  Today was my first day at home with him in a week, and it was such a treat. We spent most of the day playing.  I just love days like that!  Sometimes the simplest things are truly the most precious.

  • Liam has learned how to count.  Here's a fun video of him counting to 10.  Of course I think he's a total genius!

Things should be settling down for awhile, and I am definitely welcoming the break.

I'll be back with more soon!
