Things have been busy around here. I've been caught up in a whirlwind of PhD paperwork...I feel like I've been doing nothing but jumping through hoops. But alas, the paperwork is submitted and the hoop jumping is over for now (I hope!).
Last week, however, was a big weekend in our household. Mr. Liam got his first haircut! It's taken me a long time to warm up to the idea, but I finally caved. I loved his sweet baby curls so much. Once our warm, humid days were over though, the baby curls were starting to look a little mullet-ish, all business up front with a party in the back! So, for the sake of my son not looking like Billy Ray Cyrus, I decided it was time.
We went to Great Clips where my husband gets his hair cut, and we requested his favorite stylist. I must say, the entire experience was much easier and smoother than I had imagined. I had no idea how my two year-old would act once he was in that chair....these days he can be a bit of a wild card.
I should never have doubted him though. He was a perfect angel. And Rhonda, the woman who cut his hair, was wonderful. She was very sweet and patient and gentle with our boy.
Here he is ready to go!
One last look at those baby curls.
He was pretty fascinated during the cutting process and kept a close eye on what was happening.
And afterwards, he got a sucker as a reward. He was pretty pleased with himself.
He's so very sweet. And now he looks like such a little boy.
And much to my delight, some of the baby curls are still there. You can't really see it in this picture, but he's still got some curls on top. He's so precious and I just love him so. I really try to cherish each of these special moments because I know how very fast it all goes.
Have a wonderful weekend!