Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Year of Positivity

At the start of the New Year, I like to choose a word to be my focus for the upcoming year.  The word functions as a compass to help guide me and keep me focused on my goals and resolutions.  On a daily basis, I try to incorporate the word into my thinking and being. 

Last year, my word was nurture, which fit well with my pregnancy.  Looking back, I can honestly say that I did a really good job of nurturing myself and my body.  I found myself saying “no” more than ever before, and for once, I tried really hard not to over-commit.  In truth, pregnancy gave me the perfect excuse to focus on myself and not feel guilty about it. 

After returning to work from my maternity leave in late October, I felt myself getting caught up in the negativity that constantly surrounds me.  Every day when I left work, I was grouchy and sad.  I found myself struggling to cope with the separation anxiety of leaving Liam, while also trying to deal with the angst and stress of working in a school district in turmoil.  After only a month back to work, I was exhausted and frustrated and seriously despising my job.  While on winter break, I decided that something had to change.  I simply could not spend the next 5 months feeling frustrated day-after-day. 

Where I work, there are numerous factors that are not within my control.  Sometimes, it's difficult for me to cope when higher-level decisions go against my beliefs and values as an educator.  Like a broken record, I often remind my teachers to focus on what is within their “locus of control”.  I think it’s time I heed my own advice.  I may not have control over much…but I do have control over my own attitude.  So, for the sake of my own sanity and well-being, I chose to make this year’s word positivity. 

I’ve always believed that we choose happiness….it’s not something that happens to us under the right conditions.  Rather than getting sucked into the complaining and bitterness that prevails around my workplace, I am choosing, instead, to think happy thoughts.  I want the spirit of positivity to permeate all parts of my life.  As a new mother, this is more important to me than ever before.  I want to live optimistically…focusing on the good things that are happening in this big, beautiful, wide world.  For me, being positive also means focusing on my blessings and taking the time to be grateful for the gifts I’ve been given. 

            So, for 2012, I’m simply choosing to be happy.   I’m choosing to think positive, to be thankful, and to believe in the best.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome choice. It's so hard to not focus on the things that are outside our circle of control, but it is a key to happiness. I used to think that happiness was a state I'd achieve when I finally had enough money or lost enough weight, etc. It's really became clear to me since I've been sick that happiness is a choice and is dependent on nothing other than my thoughts.

    It's so hard to maintain 'positivity' when in a workplace that is full of negativity, but you can do it - keep focused!
