Thursday, February 2, 2012

6 Months Old

Dear Liam,  
You are 6 months old today.  I can hardly believe it.  You are already half way to one year!  The time has gone by so quickly. You are such a good baby.  You are almost always happy.  You sleep through the night most nights.  You love to try new foods, and you rarely cry.

You just started eating solid foods in the past month.  You love to eat and can’t get enough.  So far, you love sweet potatoes and carrots.  You also love bananas, pears, and applesauce.  You will tolerate green beans, but you hate peas!  The first time we fed you peas, you gagged and spit them out.  The look on your face was priceless!  When you like a food, you kick your feet and make happy sounds.  You also get impatient, wanting us to feed you faster.  You are starting to fill out and have chubby cheeks and a round little belly. 

You are very busy these days.  You have just started sitting up on your own.  You can’t crawl yet, but you can push up on your hands and knees.  You can also barrel roll across the floor, which is how you get around.  You want so badly to move and it frustrates you that you can’t reach everything that you want.  You are constantly touching things and trying to put things in your mouth.  You love your Exersaucer and just this past weekend, we introduced you to your doorway jumper, which you love.

You are starting to make all kinds of fun sounds.  You squeal with delight and like to hear your own voice.  Lately, you enjoy saying “ba-ba” and will chatter to yourself all day long.  You also love it when I lift you up high and say “Super Liam!”

Dylan is your buddy.  At night, he sleeps in your room on the floor next to your crib.  You like to touch his ears and play with his paws.  He lies next to you on the floor and lets you play with him.  Occasionally, he gives you a big sloppy kiss, which makes you smile.

You are such a sweet boy.  When you wake up in the morning, you don’t cry, you just start babbling.  One of my favorite parts of the day is when I come to get you in the morning.  You always greet me with a big smile, which is the absolute best way to start my day!  When you wake up from a nap, you like to snuggle and lay your head on my shoulder.  You have the sweetest little sleepy face and your cheeks are always rosy.  At night, when it’s time for bed, I hold you in my arms and rock and sing to you until you get sleepy.  You also like to have your head rubbed.  Sometimes, you’ll smile at me right before you fall to sleep.

You are so fun to watch and your smiles just melt my heart.  Your dad and I are madly in love with you.  We are constantly laughing at you because you are so cute and funny.  You are really starting to discover the world around you and it’s amazing to watch.  Happy 6 months sweet boy!  Remember always that you are loved.


  1. He is truly such a sweet boy! We still rock our "baby" to sleep and really don't know how we'll handle it when it's time to move her out of the crib! The baby food stage can be frustrating so I am so glad to hear Liam is an enthusiastic eater!

  2. Liam is so adorable and looks so much like his daddy!
