Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Today I would like to honor two very important men in my life.

First up is my dad.  I am so blessed to have a wonderful father who has always been very involved in my life.  He is, without a doubt, one of the best men I know and has always been extremely devoted to his family.

My dad is an eternal optimist....always choosing to look on the bright side of things.  One of the most important lessons he taught me is that happiness isn't something that happens to us but rather something that we choose.  His enthusiasm for life is contagious, and he is one of those people who makes friends wherever he goes.  

He's also a wonderful storyteller with a magnificent imagination.  When we were children, he would drive us to school every day.  Every fire hydrant along the route had a name and the smokestacks off in the distance were fondly known as Chief Big Nose and Chief Itchy Toes.  Our rides were filled with stories about those fire hydrants and the two chiefs.  I will never forget those stories and how much fun we had on those morning trips. 

My dad didn't come from much, and everything he has achieved in his life has been through his own hard work.  I've always known my dad to be extremely dedicated to his job, rarely taking days off....working endlessly to succeed.  Even in retirement, he doesn't sit still....filling his days with various hobbies and tasks.  

He also taught me to always stand up for myself and to be tenacious in pursuing my dreams...if I want something, it's up to me to make it happen.  

Ultimately, I am the woman I am today because of my father and his active role in my life.  He has always been there for me and I have always known, without a doubt, that if I needed something, I could count on him.  That has given me tremendous security throughout my life and for that, I am very grateful.

Happy father's day Dad!  You are such a blessing in my life and I love you dearly.

The second man I want to honor today is my dear husband, who is celebrating his first Father's day.

I always knew that my husband would be a wonderful father.  What I didn't expect is how much my love for him would be magnified as I saw him with his son.  There's nothing better.

From the moment Liam was born, Andrew embraced fatherhood and has been completely hands-on.  We parent as a team, completely sharing in the responsibilities, and I am so grateful for this partnership that we've established.  

Liam loves his dad.  Each day, when Andrew comes through the door after work, Liam's entire being lights up as he greets his dad with a huge smile.  I can see so clearly on Liam's face how much he adores and looks up to his father.  They are buddies, and watching them play and interact together moves me beyond words.

Watching my husband grow and change this past year as he stepped into fatherhood has been simply beautiful.  I look forward to continuing to see him grow and evolve as Liam grows up.  I can only imagine how much more wonderful this father-son relationship is going to become.  

Liam and I are incredibly blessed. We couldn't ask for a better father or partner.  

Happy Father's day Andrew!  We love you.


  1. This is so beautiful, made me cry :). You are very, very lucky to have such an awesome father and husband...and they are very lucky to have you!

    Love the picture from your wedding - you were radiant that day, as always.

    I've been driving through Forsyth a lot recently. I'll have to get with you on your old address. I've been revisiting childhood places recently :).

  2. I think you hit the jackpot with your father and the father of your sweet boy! Everything you said about your dad is so true and so wonderful. I admire his optimism, his readiness to make friends and be a friend or help to others, his hard work, and the enthusiasm and imagination he shares with his grandchildren.

    I hope Andrew's first Father's Day was wonderful. He is a natural as a dad, as far as I can see!
