Monday, November 12, 2012

Grateful Monday

Here are five things I'm grateful for today:

  • My wonderful parents.  Liam and I went home to spend a few days with them.  I had no idea how much joy I would get from seeing my parents interact with my child.  It warms my heart.
  • My father celebrated his 74th birthday yesterday. It was so nice to be with him in person.  Happy birthday Dad!  
  • I found out last week that I was granted a very competitive NSF Fellowship.  I'm quite honored and still in disbelief!
  • Half of my Christmas gifts have been bought!  I am determined to finish up early this year so I can truly relax and enjoy the holiday season.
  • Only four more weeks left in this semester.  I'm anxious to wrap this one up so I'll be on my way to taking my LAST class.

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