I'm still editing photos but hope to have a post up this week sharing some details of the trip.
To start my week off on a positive note, I'm kicking off with a grateful Monday post.
Here are five things I'm grateful for:
- We had smooth travels on our trip and returned home safely!
- I didn't really get sick until I got home!
- Skype. I'm not sure I would have made it through a week away from my boys if it weren't for this wonderful invention. There's just something so nice about being able to see them.
- It's March. So while it's snowing outside as I type, I'm hoping and praying spring is around the corner!
- I came home to a clean house, clean laundry, and these beautiful flowers. I think my husband missed me! These beauties have continually put a smile on my face all week. I'm a lucky girl.
Have wonderful week!
Those are the flowers I had in my wedding bouqurt. I love them!