Friday, December 21, 2012

'Tis the Season

I adore the holiday season.  Every year, I get excited as Thanksgiving approaches.  The holiday season always reminds me of my childhood and the anticipation of decorations, parties, sweets, gifts, and precious time spent with my family.  

Here are some of my holiday favorites:

Family gatherings.  Each and every year I am reminded of just how blessed I am.  And now that I have a child, I consider these gatherings even more precious.  Family is truly what it's all about.

Liam and his cousins last weekend in their Christmas jammies

Food.  I love to eat.  And this time of year gives me a happy excuse to indulge!  I'm also obsessed with all things peppermint.  I made this peppermint fudge last weekend for our family celebration and it was a huge hit. 

Source: via Michelle on Pinterest

Twinkling lights, Christmas trees, garland, all of the holiday decor.  I have always enjoyed decorating for Christmas.  I love nothing more than sitting in a darkened room next to a lit Christmas tree.  By the way, my tree looks nothing like this.  Ours is only decorated on the upper half because of a certain curious one year-old!


Christmas books and music.  As a little girl, I loved reading Christmas books and singing carols.  These days, I'm enjoying reading those same stories to Liam.  And every afternoon we listen to one of the holiday stations on Pandora.

My Balsam and Cedar Yankee candle.  I have been burning this everyday since October.  The smell reminds me of the burning pine in the fireplace of the cabin where we stayed in Colorado.  It's a perfect holiday smell!

Hot chocolate.  Even though it hasn't been that cold out, I still love a good cup of hot chocolate.  Now, if I only had these cute reindeer mugs to go with it....


Watching my son experience Christmas.  He's still too little to really understand, but he is already learning to enjoy the holiday fun.  I can't wait to watch his excitement grow each year as he experiences pure joy.  Children give the holidays a whole new meaning.

Learning to open presents

Grandma lets him lick the fudge bowl.  Yummy!

May your season be filled with peace, love, and joy.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Since Friday I have been trying to write a post about the tragedy in Newtown, and I have struggled to find the right words in the midst of my emotions.

Perhaps it's because I'm a mother....or perhaps it's because I'm a former teacher.  Nonetheless, this event has had a profound impact on me.  I feel a sense of sorrow that I haven't felt in a long time.

My heart breaks for the parents of the children who were victims.  I cannot even fathom their pain.  Their holiday season will forever be clouded by this terrible tragedy. 

My heart also breaks for the children and teachers who will never again feel safe in their classrooms.

Having taught in a violent neighborhood for several years, I know first-hand the importance of safety in schools.  What many don't realize is that safety is a necessity for children to learn.  If children feel unsafe, their brains are stuck in "fight or flight' mode making it impossible for them to concentrate or retain information.  Thus, safety is essential, and as far I'm concerned, non-negotiable.  Every school I worked in had metal detectors and security guards.  It's certainly not fool proof.  If someone really wanted to get in, he or she could, but at least its a start, a first line of defense and perhaps enough to deter someone. 

I also believe that we need to improve our systems for supporting mental health in this country.  I have known far too many troubled youth who simply aren't getting the help that they so desperately need.  It's time that we face this uncomfortable reality.

I have stopped trying to make sense of this horrific event.  I have stopped watching the news and instead, I'm trying to maintain my sense of hope....hope that the world we live in is still beautiful and good.  When we turn on the news, we hear of all of the bad things happening.  I often have to remind myself that wonderful, kind things are happening too.  Sometimes I wish there were a news channel that only presented stories of hope and kindness....offering us a daily reminder that the world truly isn't a terrible place.  

Unfortunately, each of these tragedies works to perpetuate a culture of fear.  Instead, I want to perpetuate a culture of hope.  I choose to believe that the world is still good and wonderful and that there are places where kindness prevails.  

And maybe, just maybe, my small acts of kindness can make a difference, and I believe that collectively, we have the power to perpetuate a culture of hope and goodness.  So today, as I continue to pray for the families in Newtown, I am also making a promise to be kinder and more hopeful each and every day.  Even if its just a smile, or holding a door for a stranger, I want to play my part in truly making this world a better, kinder place.  

I do this because my child, our children, deserve to know what hopefulness and kindness feels like. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Grateful Monday

Here are five things that I'm grateful for today:

  • Every minute that I get to spend with my son.  I am so blessed to get to be his mother.
  • My family.  We gathered for our holiday celebration over the weekend.  Whenever we get together I am reminded how lucky I am to be part of a family that has so much love.
  • My semester is finally over.  It started off pretty slow but quickly turned hectic and overwhelming.  It is so nice to have a break.
  • My husband's four day weekends.  I am realizing just how precious these long weekends are and so grateful that his job allows for it.  It gives us some bonus family time!
  • My health and my family's health.  Being healthy is truly something that we often take for granted.  

Monday, December 10, 2012

Grateful Monday

Here are five things I'm grateful for today:

  • On Sunday I spent time with my uncle who is currently in a local hospital awaiting a liver transplant.  We talked about bluegrass music and the beauty of southern, Illinois.  Please send him your prayers.  
  • I had a wonderful, quick trip to Boston last week for my fellowship.  I met some amazing and very talented people.  I got to present my work and came away feeling more privileged than ever to have been selected as part of this super smart group of people!
  • I finally submitted a final draft of a paper that I'm hoping to present at a conference in March.
  • I got to spend Saturday afternoon at the spa getting an Aveda facial.  Pure bliss.  I came away feeling renewed and refreshed!
  • Today I am writing my last, final paper of the semester.  Tomorrow I have my last class.  I can't wait to have a little break!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Grateful Monday

Today I am thankful for the following:

  • I just defended my comprehensive exams.  And I passed!  This is big.  And I'm so grateful that it is over!
Only one more week, two final papers, a trip to Boston and a presentation before this semester ends.....

Monday, November 19, 2012

Grateful Monday

This week we celebrate being grateful, and I have so much to truly be grateful for.

Here are five things that I'm celebrating this week.
  • My family.  I am blessed to have a wonderful family.  I couldn't ask for better people in my life including my parents, siblings, nieces and nephews, aunts and uncles, and cousins.  I am also especially grateful for my husband and my son.  These two guys truly make me a better person.
  • My friends.  Throughout my life I have always known the joy of having several true, good friends. I consider myself lucky.
  • Thanksgiving.  It is my favorite holiday.  A day to feast and celebrate being wonderfully simple and precious.
  • My advisor.  She is an amazing woman who has offered me so many exceptional opportunities.  I am so thankful for her guidance.
  • My dog.  He's forever loyal and always provides unconditional love.  I can't imagine my life without him.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Grateful Monday

Here are five things I'm grateful for today:

  • My wonderful parents.  Liam and I went home to spend a few days with them.  I had no idea how much joy I would get from seeing my parents interact with my child.  It warms my heart.
  • My father celebrated his 74th birthday yesterday. It was so nice to be with him in person.  Happy birthday Dad!  
  • I found out last week that I was granted a very competitive NSF Fellowship.  I'm quite honored and still in disbelief!
  • Half of my Christmas gifts have been bought!  I am determined to finish up early this year so I can truly relax and enjoy the holiday season.
  • Only four more weeks left in this semester.  I'm anxious to wrap this one up so I'll be on my way to taking my LAST class.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


It's been a busy couple of months for us.  In fact, it's been a bit of a whirlwind!

For now though, things are settling down a bit, and I'm starting to look forward to the holidays.  I will be really happy when this semester is over.  It's been a rough one for both Andrew and I.  After this semester, he will be one semester away from graduating.  And I will, hopefully, have my comprehensive exams under my belt and be on my way to writing a dissertation.

Here's a little peak into one of our recent adventures.

In late September, Andrew and I took a long weekend getaway to Colorado.  We spent the weekend at a cabin in Evergreen, CO with some dear friends.  We also journeyed to Red Rocks Amphitheater to see a couple Further shows.

Mule deer at the cabin

My long-time best friend

At the show

I have always wanted to go to Red Rocks.  We are huge music fans, and its sort of a concert mecca.  It did not disappoint.

The timing also coincided with fall in the mountains.  The Aspens were beautiful and the weather was perfect.  We managed to fit in a little hiking as well.

Maxwell Falls

He's much braver than I am!

It was an awesome little trip and gave us some much needed time to relax and just be with one another.  I held onto that mountain air for as long as I could!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Grateful Monday

Here are five things I'm grateful for today:

  • We spent a lovely weekend with my husband's family.  Family time is always nice.
  • Liam and his love for books.  We read, on average, twenty books a day.  He LOVES to read.  And I love how he comes over and snuggles up to me with his books.
  • A cozy down comforter on my bed.  Our bedroom is cold and the down comforter makes all the difference.  I love being all warm and snuggly.
  • The election is almost over.  I'm nervous about what is going to happen but looking forward to the end.  I'm tired of hearing about it.
  • Food, shelter, electricity and heat...hurricane Sandy definitely made me appreciate having my basic needs met.  Funny how we take these things for granted all the time.  
I hope to be back in a few days with an update on what we've been up to recently.  Until then, have a wonderful week!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Grateful Monday

Here are five things I'm grateful for today:

  • I submitted my comprehensive exams last night!  I'm feeling pretty nervous and probably will be until I get some feedback.  But at least its over.  That was one long month!
  • Yesterday Andrew took care of Liam all day, he also cleaned the kitchen and vacuumed the house while I was wrapping up my exams.  I am so thankful for him and his support.
  • My crockpot.  This time of year I always start making soups and chili in the crockpot.  I love putting something together and letting it cook all day, filling the house with yummy smells.  Right now I've got some chicken chili going and it smells so good!
  • We took some family photos on Saturday and they turned out really well.  I wasn't sure since Liam wasn't really cooperating, but I was pleasantly surprised to see some really good ones.
  • I'm looking forward to having more time to blog now that my exams are over.  I've missed sharing my thoughts in this space.  
Have a wonderful week!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Grateful Monday

One of these days, I will write a post beyond my usual grateful Monday.  Really I will.  I just need to check a few things off the list first!

Until are five things I'm grateful for today:

  • I successfully completed the Moccasin Gap 10 mile trail run on Saturday.  It was the hardest thing I've ever done physically.  I've ran a half marathon and that was much easier than this.  Needless to say, I'm pretty proud of myself.
  • Andrew and Liam were at an aid station at mile 8.  Knowing they were there kept me going through one of the toughest parts of the run.  I was oh so grateful to see them!
  • I have drafts completed for two of my exam questions.  One more to go and then a little revising and I'll be done!  The end is in sight.
  • We spent an amazing weekend in the beautiful Shawnee.  This has got to be one of the most beautiful fall seasons I've seen in a long time.  The trees are unbelievable.
  • I just bought a  Balsam and Cedar Yankee candle.  This candle smells amazing and makes me very happy.  It reminds me of the cabin we recently stayed in on our trip to Colorado.  Its the little things....

Monday, October 15, 2012

Grateful Monday

To start my week on a positive note, here are five things I'm grateful for today:

  • My first and most difficult question for my comprehensive exams is finished.  Two more to go....  This process has not been fun, but I am learning so much.  
  • My husband.  He has supported me and given me all the time I need to work on these exams.  I don't know what I would do without him.
  • Liam saying "night night" before he goes to sleep.  This might be the cutest thing ever.  He's also started calling our dog "Dyl".  Love it.
  • My flexible childcare provider who is happy to help me out and watch Liam a few extra days while I'm working on these papers.
  • Hot apple cider on cool fall nights.  Yum!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy Birthday

Today is my husband's birthday.  We were fortunate to be able to spend the day together as a family.  It was one of those perfectly simple kind of days where we got to just enjoy being with each other.  

Happy Birthday Andrew.  I hope this year brings you all kinds of wonderful.  

We love you dearly, and we can't wait to see what this year brings!


Monday, October 1, 2012

Grateful Monday

I've been a little absent from this space.  It seems like the past month has been a whirlwind for us and the next month is looking just as hectic!

I'm hoping to write about all of our adventures one day soon.

In the meantime, here are five things I'm grateful for today:
  • A magical trip to the mountains with my husband.  We had a lovely little vacation.  It was just what I needed to refresh my spirit.
  • We are all healthy again. After returning home, we got hit hard with the flu.  All of us.  It was terrible.  We're still not tip-top but feeling much better.
  • My parents who stayed with Liam while we were away.  I just love them.  I don't worry about him for one second when he's in their care.  It's hard enough to be away from him so that sense of security means so much.
  • The beautiful mums that my husband bought me yesterday.  Sitting here on my desk they make me smile.  
  • My support system of family and friends.  Today I begin my comprehensive exams and I know that I have a wonderful group of people who will be cheering me on.  That means so much.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Grateful Monday

And here we are to another Monday!  Things have been pretty busy around here lately, but it's all been worth it.  

So to start my week, here are five things that I'm grateful for today:

  • All of the wonderful people in my life.  We attended a funeral this past weekend.  It was a good reminder to me to really appreciate my loved ones.
  • My husband and I are headed to Colorado for a quick, mountain getaway this weekend. I can't wait!
  • Fall is in the air.  Warm days with cool, crisp mornings and evenings.  I just love this time of year.
  • Pumpkin spice lattes.  This is an indulgence that I look forward to all year long!
  • Balance.  Though we are quite busy, I feel like I have finally achieved some balance in my life and it feels amazing.  I'll write more on this later...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Grateful Monday

Five things I'm grateful for today:

  • We spent a wonderful long weekend at Camp Ondessonk, reconnecting with old friends.  I am physically exhausted but feel a renewed energy from spending time with some of the most amazing people I know.
  • Liam was such a trooper on his first camping trip!  The pouring rain didn't even bother him.  He slept well.  He ate well.  He had a blast.
  • My dear husband.  This weekend was a success because we worked together to make it happen.  From changing diapers to finding a missing pacifier, everything we did, we did as a team.  
  • A friend who walked back into my life after 15 years.  The moment I saw her, we started talking and it was like we had seen each other yesterday.  Those kinds of friendships are simply the best.
  • A few more fun weekends ahead to look forward to.  We are extending summer as long as we can around here!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Grateful Monday

Five things I'm grateful for today:

  • We had a lovely family reunion on Saturday.  It went much too fast, but I'm happy I was able to spend some time with people who I haven't seen in a long time.
  • Chocolate covered pretzels.  Yum!
  • Liam has learned the word "no", but has yet to really use it in a defiant way.  I know that my days are numbered with this one.....
  • I ran six miles yesterday in 54 minutes.  That's a 9 minute mile!  I completely surprised myself, and I'm thrilled.
  • My first week of work was excellent.  I really love being back on a college campus.  It's such a nice, inspiring environment.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Color Run

This past weekend I ran the Color Run with three friends.  If you haven't heard of the Color Run, I suggest you check it out.  

Here in St. Louis, the run was a fundraiser for the organization Autism Speaks

It was ridiculous fun. 

We walked and jogged the 5k route laughing and chatting along the way.  There are color stations along the route where you have various colors of powder thrown on you.

By the end, you're a rainbow of color.

It was completely silly and made us feel like kids again.  And for four moms, who all have young children, it's really kind of nice to feel like a kid again. 

As you can see, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves...and I'm pretty sure that next year, we'll be back!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Grateful Monday

Five things I'm grateful for today:

  • Girlfriends.  I ran the Color Run on Saturday with a few of my friends.  We had a blast.  
  • Liam saying "love you".  It sounds like "la loo", and it's the greatest thing ever.
  • Date night.  Saturday night Andrew took me to see the Chris Robinson Brotherhood.  He bought the tickets as an anniversary gift.  We had a great time, just the two of us.
  • This beautiful weather.  Low 80's?!  Hello!
  • The start of a new chapter.  This week begins my new semester and my new job.  Bring it on.  Let's get this PhD done!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mommy Brain

The other day I was reminiscing about what it was like to have a newborn.  I looked back at some of my journal entries and had to laugh.

Being a new mom is hard.  Sleep deprivation will do interesting things to a person.  I'm pretty sure there were times that my husband and loved ones thought I was completely insane (and probably still do).  

Here are some of my finer moments from Liam's first few months:

  • I left my wallet in checkout lanes on a regular basis.  Apparently it was just too much for me to keep track of my shopping bags, the diaper bag, my wallet, and my baby.  I also left it on a shelf in the middle of Target once.  Luckily, it was always returned to me, safely, with all of its contents,  and there was only one time when I drove home before realizing it was gone.  At least it was the wallet that I kept forgetting and not my baby...

  • Self-care fell to the wayside for awhile.  I was very lucky to have my mom stay with me for the first month.  But once she was gone, I struggled to navigate how to complete basic tasks in the presence of a newborn.  There were days when Andrew would come home from work and I had yet to shower or brush my teeth.  Gross.  I know.   Showering was just too scary because, you know, showers are loud and what if I couldn’t hear Liam cry?  Not to mention the fact that sometimes he slept for 3 hours and other times he slept for 47 seconds.  Finally, after a couple of weeks, I came up with a revolutionary idea…I put him in the bouncy seat on the bathroom floor while I showered.   Genius, I know.

  • Once, I started to open the door for the UPS man with my top around my waist.  If you’ve ever breastfed, you’re not surprised.  I mean, really, who needs a shirt?  Thankfully, I caught this one before I opened the door.  

  • I took Liam to a doctor’s appointment wearing two different shoes.  This was the same appointment where I cried in the pediatrician’s office for the second time.  Great…I am not only the mom who always criesbut now I’m the mom who cries AND wears mismatched shoes?!  Hot mess.

  • I sat directly in front of my window when I used my breast pump.  I struggled with a low milk supply and in an attempt to build it up, I was put on a regimen that required that I pump 12 times a day.  Yes, that’s right…12 times.  This was in addition to nursing Liam.  I guess my neighbors might have seen something…but really….if I’m going to have to sit hooked up to that thing for hours, I might as well soak up some vitamin D while I’m at it.  I finally stopped this craziness after my husband begged me to give it up.  Pumping 12 times a day turns a person into a total. friggin. lunatic.

Source: Pinterest

  • At 5 months-old, we decided to move Liam out of our room and into his nursery.  Thanks to my sister-in-law, we have this awesome video monitor, which I love.  At first though, it seriously freaked me out.  For two nights straight, I laid awake just staring at the monitor. And if you’ve ever seen the movie Paranormal Activity, you know why. Night vision cameras are weird and scary. What if I saw orbs floating around his head or something?  I even wore my glasses to bed so I could see him clearly, but then, a very wise friend of mine suggested that I just turn the video off.  If he makes a noise, all I have to do is hit the little button and then I can see him.  Ah....another moment of pure genius.    

I have other stories.  I just can’t remember them right now.  And now I have to go find my keys which are probably in the refrigerator….or even better…still in the front door.

As Liam gets older, I'm slowly becoming less scattered, but I still have my moments.  Thankfully, I also have a sense of humor.

What about you? Do you suffer from Mommy Brain too?

Monday, August 13, 2012

Grateful Monday

Five things I'm grateful for today:

  • A lovely four day weekend spent with my husband and son
  • We went to an outdoor concert with friends on Saturday evening.  Not only did we hear great music, but we also got to see stars shooting across the sky.  So beautiful.
  • Increased running endurance.  I'm up to 5 miles and I feel like a rock star.
  • Another week of summer break.  I'm milking this for all its worth~!
  • The summer Olympics.  Aren't they so inspiring?    

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

1st Birthday Bash

On Saturday we gathered with our loved ones at a nearby park for Liam's first birthday party.  Grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and many friends joined in the celebration.

Though is was quite hot, it was a lovely day full of laughter and love.

The food was delicious.  My brother-in-law made his famous pulled pork, and we had several yummy salads.  I also tried a new Sangria recipe.  I highly recommend it...although you might not need to make 3 gallons of it like I did!

Liam's cake came from a local bakery.  As you can see, we had a tractor/farm theme. 

And everyone went home with farm animal cookies.

I'm pretty sure Liam knew that he was the guest of honor.  

He was rather taken with his cake.  Up until now, he hasn't really experienced much sugar....I think he's a fan.

All the kids wore the same rosy cheeks.  It was hot!  And there was a lot of playing and cake eating to be done!

We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives.  Thank you family and friends for making this day so very special.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Grateful Monday

Five things I'm grateful for today:

  • We had a wonderful first birthday party for Liam on Saturday, filled with lots of love from friends and family.
  • We also got spend some quality time with my brother's children.  I just love those little guys and girl.
  • A nice break from our oppressive heat.
  • Rain, rain, rain.  We had some good rain this weekend, which was desperately needed.
  • Two more weeks of summer break!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

First Birthday

Liam turns one today!

I can hardly believe it.  How can it possibly be a year?   Time plays tricks on us sometimes.  It seems like just yesterday that I held him in my arms for the first time. Yet, at the same time, it feels like life before him hardly existed.

This year has been remarkable...full of growth and change.  My heart has expanded in ways that I never imagined.  Somehow, I feel stronger and more secure, yet also more unraveled.  I suppose that's what happens when your heart is cracked open and you experience such a big, overwhelming kind of love.

These days, I watch him and how he's changing and developing and I couldn't be happier.  He's growing.  He's strong.  He's healthy.  He's exactly as he should be.  I am so grateful and so blessed.

When I find myself feeling a little sad that my baby is growing up, I have to remind myself that this is what the journey is all about.  Each stage is brief and fleeting...and that's what makes it so unbelievably precious. The best thing I can do, rather than trying to hold onto these moments, is to simply be present and soak them up while they last.

Today, when I look at him, I'm in awe.  It's simply amazing to think that in 12 months time, he has gone from this:

To this:

He's walking.  He's talking.  He laughs constantly.  It seems that just when I think this stage is the best! we turn a corner and somehow, I find him even more joyful and more fun.

As we enter into toddlerhood, I am starting to see his little personality shine.  I am also starting to see glimpses of more challenging times ahead.  As we spend our days together, I get to see the world in a new light.  To him, everything is new and fascinating.  On a daily basis, he reminds me of the magnificence that surrounds us.  As I watch him, I see clearly that he is not only our child but also our teacher, and this journey is packed full of lessons.

I love how this little boy has changed me for the better and opened my heart.  I love how he lights up our world.   He truly is the best of both of us.

I love him more than I ever thought possible.

And today, I love that he is turning one.

I can't wait to see what one brings.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Grateful Monday

Five things I'm grateful for today:

  • Our sweet boy turns one this week.  I can hardly believe it!  He is such a blessing.
  • My summer break is not ending.  If I were still in my old job, I would be returning to work today.  I am so incredibly grateful that I don't have to face that.  Such a relief!
  • Liam and I had a wonderful, relaxing visit with my parents last week.  Going home is such a treat.  I love seeing Liam with my parents.
  • Clean sheets.  I just love clean sheet day.
  • My husband's summer semester is nearly over, which means we'll have a few weeks where we get to spend more quality time together.  I will treasure those weeks.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Grateful Monday

Five things I'm grateful for today:

  • We had some dear friends in town for the weekend.  It was so nice to see them and catch up...there was lots of hanging out, along with some seriously healthy belly laughing.
  • Music.  There's nothing like going and seeing a live performance that simply knocks your socks off and makes you want to shake your bones.
  • Liam learning to walk.  It's mighty amazing watching him do it...his little arms waving, his body swaying as he tries to balance.  Bipedalism is some serious stuff.
  • The return of my two favorite TV shows.  We are about half way through True Blood and the final season of Weeds.  It's such good timing that these shows fall during the summer!
  • Running.  I'm starting to get back into it and slowly building my endurance.  It feels so good.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Do you ever have those moments when you feel like your heart might burst from happiness?

Yesterday afternoon, it dawned on me that I'm happy.  Really really happy.

Nothing special had happened.  It was a normal, summer afternoon for us.  Liam had taken a long afternoon nap.  Some of my favorite music was playing softly in the background.  We were reading books and playing with blocks.  Liam was busy babbling and trying to make words.  

As I sat there and watched him, I felt an incredible sense of lightness.  

It dawned on me that I'm no longer overwhelmed. Gone are the anxiety and hurt that I felt when I had to leave him every morning for work.  Gone are the days of feeling like I can't catch up.  Gone are the laundry piles and the sleep deprivation.  

These days, we awake gently with no alarm clock.  I get to sip coffee while we play.  Sometimes we run errands.  Sometimes we go to the park.  Sometimes we meet Andrew for lunch.  Sometimes we go to the pool.  Sometimes we just stay in our pajamas all day.

Our days are leisurely and fun.  We spend hours simply playing and exploring.  

Starting in mid-August, I'll be back in school.  I'll start working two days a week, and I'll have classes and research to focus on.  I realize that beginning a dissertation will bring new challenges, but I hope to preserve this sense of balance.

Until then....I'm just going to soak up these lazy summer days and treasure every. single. moment with this precious little guy.

Watching him discover the world around him...learning to walk....learning to talk.  It's perhaps the coolest thing ever.

Life is good.  Truly truly good.

(By the way, right after I took this picture, he ate his first piece of bark....ummm...not so good.  But my husband assured me that we don't have a poisonous tree.  So I'm just thinking of it as extra fiber...)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Grateful Monday

Here we are to another Monday!  How did that happen?  These weeks of summer are flying by.

To start my week off in the right spirit, here are five things I'm grateful for:

  • Andrew and I were both home yesterday when Liam took his first steps.  It was such a precious moment.  
  • We had a lovely Saturday afternoon, listening to one of our favorite bands.  We took Liam and he loved it!  It was a fabulous day.
  • I got to spend time with my husband's cousin yesterday.  I'm so inspired by this woman and her amazing courage and strength.
  • My job details for the fall have been sorted out and I will only be working two days a week. What an awesome schedule!
  • Ice cream.  Seriously.  The best treat on a summer evening.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Grateful Monday

Five things I'm grateful for today:

  • The heat has broken.  Finally.  Hard to believe that 90 degrees feels cool...but I'll take it over 105 degrees any day!
  • Rain.  After many weeks without any precipitation, it finally poured last night and gave the earth a much needed drink.  
  • My family.  I spent a few days at my parents' with my brother and his family last week.  It was such a joy seeing Liam play with his cousins.  Having children around definitely makes our visits extra fun!
  • A slow month ahead.  Aside from a few concerts, we don't have much on the calendar this month, which means we can truly enjoy these lazy summer days.
  • Liam is slowly learning to put himself to sleep.  While bedtime is still a challenge, nap time is getting easier.  I'm feeling a small victory over here.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Another Lovely Wedding

In early June we had the joy of attending my cousin's lovely wedding. 

It was such a sweet and sentimental ceremony.  The bride even sang a song during her vows.  I doubt there was a dry eye in the place.  It was another one of those ceremonies that was so personal, intimate, and individualized.  

Those are my favorite kind.  I just love it when the couple makes it truly for them and about them.

Beyond the ceremony, I seriously LOVED all of their vintage decorations.  From the tablecloths to the china to the burlap drapes...every time I looked around I would notice another tiny, lovely detail.  All of it was just amazing and perfectly done.  

It's so obvious that a lot of heart was put into this celebration.

This table for the couple was the cutest idea.

Liam was given lots of love.  Here he is flirting with the gorgeous bride (isn't she adorable?!)

While there we enjoyed catching up with some of my extended family.

Liam also got in some quality grandparent time.  I just love seeing him with my parents!  This picture of him and my mom warms my heart.  Since the day he was born, they've had a special connection.  I love how his face lights up every time he sees her.

It was such a wonderful evening spent with family, celebrating the love of two very special people.

Congrats Riann and Jeremy!  You are such a beautiful couple, and we wish you all the best.