Monday, June 25, 2012

Grateful Monday

Five things I'm grateful for today:

  • My mom is coming to visit us for a few days!  It will be so nice to spend some quality time with her.
  • Good friends.  We spent both Friday and Saturday night catching up with various friends.  I am so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.
  • Live music.  On Saturday, we went to see one of our favorite bands.  It's been a long time since we've been out to see them and it reminds me how good music is for my soul!
  • Lazy summer mornings.  There is nothing better than sleeping in a bit with Liam and then welcoming the day with a cup of coffee while he plays.  Bliss.
  • My amazing dog who lets one very busy 10 month-old climb all over him without even blinking an eye.  What a sweetie.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Wedding to Remember

A month ago we attended my sister-in-law's spectacular wedding.

Let me start by saying that I adore my sister-in-law.  She and I had an instant connection from the moment we met.  We are, indeed, kindred spirits.  She and my husband share a close friendship, and I know that she had a tremendous influence on him when they were growing up.  I am so grateful to have her in my life, not only as a sibling, but also as a dear friend.

Her husband is one of those easygoing guys whose always a joy to be around...good-natured and laid back.  
Truly, they are two of my favorite people, and we have shared many good times with them. 

Two years ago, they moved from Brooklyn, where they had lived for several years, to St. Louis.  Now, they only live 2 miles away and we love having them close by.  

Their wedding ceremony was held at my husband's family farm and the reception was in a tent in his parents' backyard.  

The wedding celebration was so beautiful.  A good friend of theirs was their officiant.  They wrote their own ceremony and vows.  They even planted a tree as a symbol of their love.  It was truly one of the most intimate and personal ceremonies I have seen....a true celebration of their relationship and their love for one another.  

The weather was perfect.  

My sister-in-law was just gorgeous.

My husband was a proud man of honor.

And Liam was beyond adorable in his three piece suit.

The night ended with a bonfire and s'mores.  What more could you ask for?

A lovely day honoring two wonderful people. Congratulations Mollie and Jon!  We wish you a lifetime of joy and happiness.

*Photos by Darrell Mankin Photography and Coreen Whitacre

Monday, June 18, 2012

Grateful Monday

Five things I'm grateful for today:

  • My husband's new work schedule.  We now get to enjoy four-day weekends every other week, which makes for lots of quality family time.
  • My wonderful sister-in-law and her husband.  We spent Saturday evening with them, and they are such good people.  I just love that they live close.
  • Liam's ear infection is gone and we've got our happy baby back.
  • Summer days.  I am treasuring this time that I work, it's bliss!
  • Pedicures.  I'm getting one today and really looking forward to that foot massage!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Today I would like to honor two very important men in my life.

First up is my dad.  I am so blessed to have a wonderful father who has always been very involved in my life.  He is, without a doubt, one of the best men I know and has always been extremely devoted to his family.

My dad is an eternal optimist....always choosing to look on the bright side of things.  One of the most important lessons he taught me is that happiness isn't something that happens to us but rather something that we choose.  His enthusiasm for life is contagious, and he is one of those people who makes friends wherever he goes.  

He's also a wonderful storyteller with a magnificent imagination.  When we were children, he would drive us to school every day.  Every fire hydrant along the route had a name and the smokestacks off in the distance were fondly known as Chief Big Nose and Chief Itchy Toes.  Our rides were filled with stories about those fire hydrants and the two chiefs.  I will never forget those stories and how much fun we had on those morning trips. 

My dad didn't come from much, and everything he has achieved in his life has been through his own hard work.  I've always known my dad to be extremely dedicated to his job, rarely taking days off....working endlessly to succeed.  Even in retirement, he doesn't sit still....filling his days with various hobbies and tasks.  

He also taught me to always stand up for myself and to be tenacious in pursuing my dreams...if I want something, it's up to me to make it happen.  

Ultimately, I am the woman I am today because of my father and his active role in my life.  He has always been there for me and I have always known, without a doubt, that if I needed something, I could count on him.  That has given me tremendous security throughout my life and for that, I am very grateful.

Happy father's day Dad!  You are such a blessing in my life and I love you dearly.

The second man I want to honor today is my dear husband, who is celebrating his first Father's day.

I always knew that my husband would be a wonderful father.  What I didn't expect is how much my love for him would be magnified as I saw him with his son.  There's nothing better.

From the moment Liam was born, Andrew embraced fatherhood and has been completely hands-on.  We parent as a team, completely sharing in the responsibilities, and I am so grateful for this partnership that we've established.  

Liam loves his dad.  Each day, when Andrew comes through the door after work, Liam's entire being lights up as he greets his dad with a huge smile.  I can see so clearly on Liam's face how much he adores and looks up to his father.  They are buddies, and watching them play and interact together moves me beyond words.

Watching my husband grow and change this past year as he stepped into fatherhood has been simply beautiful.  I look forward to continuing to see him grow and evolve as Liam grows up.  I can only imagine how much more wonderful this father-son relationship is going to become.  

Liam and I are incredibly blessed. We couldn't ask for a better father or partner.  

Happy Father's day Andrew!  We love you.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

10 Months-Old

Dear Liam,

            You turned 10 months-old last week.  You are such a big boy and growing and changing so much.  You are very busy these days.  You love to explore.  You have perfected the art of crawling and have started pulling up and cruising around.  You'll even stand on your own for a few seconds at a time.  I don't think it's going to be too long before you are walking and fully on the move!

            Last Friday, you said your first word beyond "mama" and "dada".  You said "baby" when you saw yourself in the mirror.  Now, you say the word "baby" several times a day.  You also wave hello and goodbye.  Just yesterday, you started making a funny face by scrunching your nose up and smiling.  This is the same face your cousins used to make when they were your age, which makes me laugh! You are such a funny, happy little guy. 

            When music comes on, you start to bob around and dance.  Sometimes you shake your head side-to-side.  You are always smiling, and you laugh hysterically when we tickle you.  You have started to give kisses.  Several times a day, you will crawl over to me, pull up, and give me a kiss.  I just love those kisses!

            You have two bottom teeth now and one top front tooth.  You have three more teeth on top that are coming in, so you are constantly chewing on things.  You have started to eat finger foods.  You love graham crackers, yogurt bites, cheerios, and pieces of cheese.  You aren't too sure about blueberries.  You still primarily eat baby food, but we are starting to give you samples of our food whenever we can.  You are also starting to drink out of a sippy cup, although you still prefer your bottle.

            Just this past weekend, you had your first ear infection.  You were pretty uncomfortable and it took a few days for the medicine to kick in.  We are so grateful that you are feeling better.  We can hardly stand it when you are sick.

            You are a good sleeper.  You still go to bed early and sleep through the night.  You take two good naps throughout the day.

            I have just finished working so I have the summer off and we get to spend every day together!  When you awaken early in the morning, I put you in bed with me and we snuggle and sleep for another hour or two.  We spend lots of time playing, listening to music, going on walks, and reading books.  I am treasuring every moment of these days that we have together.  In the fall, I will start working part-time, which means that I will only have to leave you a couple days a week.

            You just started taking swim lessons.  You love it.  You are the star of the class!  While some of the other babies are crying, you are laughing and splashing.  The instructor uses you for most demonstrations because you are so happy and laid back. 

            We aren't big on television in this house, so you don't really watch it.  But once a day, I sit with you at the computer and we watch a few Sesame Street videos online.  You really enjoy watching Sesame Street, especially the characters singing songs.  Cookie Monster is your favorite!

            When your dad walks in the door at the end of the day, your face lights up and you crawl to him.  He is your buddy, and you love to play together.

            You are growing and learning so much these days.  Your dad and I love every minute that we get to spend with you.  Your little personality is starting to shine as you take in the world around you.  We love you more and more each day and are so blessed to have you.  Happy 10 months sweet boy!  Remember are loved.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Grateful Monday

Five things I'm grateful for today:

  • Liam is starting to feel better after his first ear infection.  When he woke up with a fever on Friday, I had this gut feeling that it was his ear, even though he had no other symptoms.  I'm so glad I listened to my mama's instinct and took him to the doctor!
  • A wonderful weekend spent with friends and family at my husband's family farm.
  • Being able to snuggle up with my little boy and take a nap on this rainy, summer afternoon.
  • My dear husband who planned a few sweet surprises for me last week.
  • The return of True of my guilty summertime pleasures!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Catching Up

Now that I have a bit more time, I plan to spend this week catching you up on some of the fun we've been having recently.

May was a busy month for us. We started the month off by travelling to southern Illinois to spend the weekend at a cabin with friends.  With both of us working full-time and in graduate school, we haven't had much time to socialize.  So this weekend was a nice treat.  It gave us the opportunity to get away and catch up with some people who are very dear to us.

There was fishing.

There was a lot of eating and a little bit of drinking.

The kids enjoyed themselves.

While there, we visited Makanda Springfest and enjoyed some bluegrass tunes played by some of our friends, the Moccasin Gap Trio.

We also got to enjoy the brightest full moon of the year with clear skies.

The weekend was lovely...filled with good people, good food, good conversation, and lots of laughter.  As my life starts to become more balanced, I hope to find more time for these kinds of visits.

Thank you friends! I am blessed to know such wonderful people.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Grateful Monday

Five things I'm grateful for today:

  • I am officially done working! Come August, I will begin my position as a research assistant but until then, all I have to do is enjoy summer break.
  • No need for an alarm clock on these lazy summer days.
  • A nice leisurely lunch this afternoon spent with my husband and son.
  • A lovely weekend.  
  • A clean house!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Once a Teacher, Always a Teacher

Friday was my last day on the job.

As I packed up my office and binders of old lesson plans, I found pictures of my previous students and encouraging notes that I had written to myself during my first year as a teacher.  It's hard to believe that I've been working in this district now for seven years.  Where did the time go?

Seven years ago, I came to St. Louis to begin my two years with Teach for America.  At the time, I had no idea how that move would change my life.  I always had a hunch that I should be a teacher.....but after my first couple of weeks in the classroom, I knew that I was born to be a teacher.  

This was it.  This was what I was meant to do. 

Thank you SLPS for seven wonderfully hard years.  Thank you for helping me find my passion.  I have learned so much and grown so much from my time in this school district.  I leave this place more committed than ever to the mission of educational equity.  Regardless of race, sex, religion, or socioeconomic status every child in this nation deserves a quality education....and it's our job to ensure that each child gets that opportunity.

I have a fundamental belief that education is the greatest gift we can give ourselves...and the greatest gift we can give others.  And as I move on to pursue a career at the university level, there is one thing I know for sure...I am, and always will be, a teacher.