Thursday, November 21, 2013

I Love Everything About This

My cousin recently shared this video on Facebook, and I can't get enough of it.

When I was a freshman in college, I was struggling in my biology class.  I went to see my professor (a very old man), and he basically told me that I shouldn't be studying science because I wasn't smart enough.  I will never forget how disheartened I felt after that conversation, and sadly, I let his words influence my beliefs in my own ability.  After that, I had continuous doubts and rarely felt confident in any of my science classes.

I also have some real concerns about the messages that girls are getting these days as they grow up in a society that is obsessed with physical beauty and photo shopped perfection.  Our girls are constantly being sent the message that their value lies in how they look.  Wouldn't it be nice if, instead, we started sending them more messages about how important it is to be smart?!

This video does just that, and it resonates with me in so many ways.  As a female science teacher, I love everything about it.  This is exactly the kind of message we should be promoting.

I know what I'll be buying for some special little girls this holiday season! 


(note: I have no affiliations with this company.  I just love what they are doing!)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Grateful Monday

It's been awhile since I've written.  Things have been busy!

This weekend we finished repairing and repainting our bathroom.  We had a leak that damaged our ceiling so it had to be redone, which also meant repainting.

Needless to say, I'm glad it's finished!

Anyway, to start my week off, here are five things I'm grateful for:

  • The bathroom is complete and my house is back in order.
  • The story of Batkid.  It warms my heart knowing how many people pulled together to make this little guy's wish come true.  Things like this reinforce my faith in humanity.
  • I'm over half way done with my Christmas shopping.
  • The article that I've been writing for the past six months (seriously) is nearing completion.  Finally!
  • Story time with this little guy.  I just love how much he loves books!

Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Things have been pretty busy around here lately.  What's new right?  It seems to be a common theme this time of year.

Our fall has been hectic.  I'm actually grateful for the time change and the fact that we don't have much planned in the coming weeks.  I'm also really looking forward to the holidays this year.  In the meantime though, here's what we've been up to.

  • It rained on Halloween, but we did get a chance to take Liam out for a bit.  This was his first trick-or-treating experience.  It was pretty cute.  He caught on pretty quickly.  Here he is with his friend Cecelia.  He's a dinosaur and she's dressed as Angelina Ballerina.  They are such buddies.  

  • Last week I submitted an application for a dissertation fellowship through my university.  I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but I'm really really hoping I get it.  Fingers crossed!  It would allow me to focus solely on my dissertation, which would be really helpful in terms of completion.  As much as I love teaching, it just takes up so much of my time!  I should know in about a month so please send some positive vibes!
  •  I can also now share the news that I'm going to Paris in February to present at a conference.  It's been in the works for awhile, but now it's official!  I've never been to Europe so I'm super excited about this opportunity! I can't wait to see this beauty.

  • Andrew and I went backpacking this weekend in southern, Illinois.  It was such a beautiful fall weekend.  We could not have asked for better weather.  The trip was amazing and deserves its own post but for now, here's a sneak peak.

Happy November!  I'm headed home this weekend with Liam to visit my parents for a few days.  Andrew is going to stay home and replace our bathroom ceiling that was damaged from a leak.  I'm pretty sure I'm getting the better end of that deal! 
