Friday, August 2, 2013

Look Who's Two!

Dear Liam,
Happy 2 years!  You are so very big!

I can hardly believe you are 2.  When I think back to two years ago, I remember so clearly the feelings of  excitement, the anticipation, and then the moment when I finally got to meet you.  Those memories warm my heart.

You are so fun these days.  Full of energy and delight.

You are a talker.  Your current favorite phrase is "what's that?"  You ask that question all day long.  Right now, you tend to repeat most words that we say and you are starting to talk in phrases.  I love listening to you learn to talk.  It really is amazing how you have learned to communicate and how you get better at saying words every day.

You love music, and you love to dance and play your guitar.  You have recently started singing songs.   You like to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and You Are My Sunshine.  You also like to sing your ABC's.  Many times during the day you'll ask me to turn on the music and "play a song".

You like to play outside.  You love your sandbox and your "lawnmowerer".   You also get very excited over bugs and "patatillers".  This summer we have been taking swim lessons.  You aren't much for floating on your back, but you do like to go under and to kick your feet.  Just last weekend you went fishing for the first time at the farm.  You were pretty excited when you got to touch a fish!

You are obsessed with helicopters.  You can hear a helicopter a mile away!  You also like to play a game where we lift you up and pretend you are a helicopter.  Your favorite part is saying "blastoff"!

You still love to eat.  Some of your favorite foods are cheese, avocados, waffles, pancakes, peanut butter, fruit bars, broccoli, and raisins.  You also love pizza and mac'n'cheese, of course.

You are super smart, and I'm constantly surprised by the things you know.  You can already count to 15 and you know your letters and colors.  You love to read books.  Some of your favorite books are Hop on Pop, The Splendid Spotted Snake, Little Blue Truck, Green Eggs and Ham, and All in a Day.

You are still a good sleeper and take naps most days.  You like to be cuddled and to sing songs before going to sleep.  Most nights you go to bed easily, although sometimes you like to throw your binky out of the crib and then yell "mommy....daddy....binky!"  That's also how you wake us up in the morning.  You throw your binky out and then stand up and call for us.  Funny little guy!

In the mornings, you like to wake up leisurely.  Your day starts with a cup of milk and usually a show on TV.  These days you are a big fan of Curious George and Super Why.

You still go to Leenie's house two days a week.  You love it there, and love to play with your friends.  Leenie takes such good care of you, and we feel so very blessed to have her.  She loves you as if you were her own!

Everyone talks about the terrible two's, but you are still your good-natured self.  You laugh and giggle all the time. Occasionally you get upset when you can't have your way, but for the most part, you are happy.  You are definitely exploring the world around you and you stay very busy! 

You are very affectionate and give lots of snuggles and kisses.  I just love how you rest your head on my shoulder every night before you go to sleep. 

Watching you grow and change is one of the best parts of this journey.  I just love how you are becoming your own little person.  You are such an entertaining little guy. 

Just last night, we taught you how to say "I'm two" and to hold up two fingers.  After we put you to bed, we watched you on the monitor practicing saying "I'm two".  You are so very precious, and your dad and I just adore you!

Happy 2 years sweet boy!  I can't wait to see what wonders and joy two is going to bring.

Remember always that you are loved!




  1. Beautiful post about your beautiful boy! Happy Birthday, Liam! We will call you tomorrow!!!
